Windsor Lane is one of NW Ohio’s only skilled nursing Respiratory Vent Care facilities. After a longstanding history of caring for both invasive and non-invasive nocturnal vent patients, we are now proudly able to offer full-time vent care as well.
Working with one of this country’s leading companies in providing respiratory supplies and support, we are now able to offer a skilled nursing level of care to those with a continuing need for respiratory care and assist several local acute care hospitals with placement for those patients.
Invasive vs Non-invasive Ventilation
Wikipedia gives a great simplified explanation of this difference.
“Non-invasive ventilation is the use of breathing support administered through a face mask, nasal mask, or a helmet. Air, usually with added oxygen, is given through the mask under positive pressure;” … “It is termed “non-invasive” because it is delivered with a mask that is tightly fitted to the face or around the head”
A person may require the use of a non-invasive ventilation on a long-term basis if they cannot breathe independently as a result of a chronic condition.
“Invasive” vent is another way of referring to a method by which a patient, who has had a tracheostomy, that now requires their respiratory equipment to deliver oxygen directly into the windpipe through a tube that has been surgically placed in the front of their neck.
With the experience, equipment and the ability to manage both invasive and non-invasive vent care for patients up to 1000lb, Windsor Lane Healthcare is truly a uniquely qualified facility.
Situated in the quiet town of in Gibsonburg, we are located within 2hr (or less) drive of:
Cleveland, OH
Columbus, OH
Lima, OH
Toledo, OH
Mansfield, OH
Fort Wayne, IN
Detroit, MI
Ann Arbor, MI
Jackson, MI
Call us today to inquire about vent care availability and openings,
or fax your referral to 419-637-2555.